For the favor bags I wanted to include a couple of DIY crafts. I decided to go with a lego figure crayon and a lego block soap! They were a huge hit and super easy to make!
I used a snack baggie for my favors and stapled on a Lego Ninjago Thank You for Coming Printable.
Here is the Printable with 4 per page for FREE:
Free Printable Lego Ninjago Party Favor Label
You will need to buy the molds to make these party favors. You can also make candy figures with them!
I purchased my silicon molds from Amazon. (This is an affiliate link.)
Lego Minfigure Crayon
These were so easy to make! It took one crayon (wax) per minifigure mold and about 3 crayons for block mold.
- Remove wrapper from crayon. (You can soak in water for 10 minutes to make removal easier.)
- Break crayons into small pieces to fit into mold.
- You will need to sit your silicon mold onto a baking sheet to make it easy put in and remove from oven.
- Bake them in the oven at 225° degrees for 10-12 minutes.
- Remove carefully from oven to avoid liquid crayon spilling out.
- Let your crayons harden by either cooling down at room temperature or put them in the freezer for about 10 minutes. (I am impatient so I went with freezer option)
Lego Blocks Soap
These were a little more work then the crayons but still super easy! You will need to make a trip to your crafty store and buy: Clear glycerince soap base, special coloring for soap, and optional special glitter or fragrance for soap.
- Cut soap base into small squares. I did my soaps in 4 batches.
- Put first batch into microwave safe measuring cup.
- Microwave on high for 30 seconds. Then 10 seconds intervals until completely melted.
- Stir in the color imeditely after removing from microvave. DO NOT WAIT or soap will begin to harden inside cup.
- Blue 6 drops,
- Red 12 drops
- Yellow 3 drops
- Green= 3 drops Yellow + 6 drops Blue
- Optional *Stir in a few drops of fragrance and glitter. (I used a few drops of Lavender essential oil.)
- Pour very carefully into molds.
- To help remove air bubbles mist the top of the soaps with alcohol in a spray bottle.
- Let the soap sit 30 minutes- 1 hour or until completely cool
- I moved mine to the freezer for about 10-15 minutes to speed this up.
- Once cooled gently press the molds and the soaps will pop right out!
The boys wanted some for their restroom of course. They really look awesome!
For the favor bags I added little labels to the soap and crayons. I simple cut up cardstock paper, hand wrote, “Lego Crayon” and “Lego Soap” and tied it on with ribbon. I wanted to make sure everyone knew it was not candy!
You can check out my other DIY Lego Ninjago Post:
Be sure to check out my other DIY party ideas!
OMG- I love this! These would make great birthday and Christmas presents too.
Oh my goodness, these are AMAZING! My older two boys would absolutely lose it over the crayon minifigures. I’m definitely going to try them for my 7-year-old’s upcoming birthday! Thanks for the ideas!
how many crayons per a mini figure… making these for my sons birthday on the 26th and need to make sure I have enough crayons??
oh, that lego soap would be perfect for my sons next party!
THis looks like it is full of great toys for kids. DIY saves money also!
Wow – you are a very energetic, creative and inventive Mom! Well done – your kids must LOVE these and they’re really useful! Thank you so much for putting the images online for us to use – makes my party prep so much easier as a working mom – thank you – Beth, Cape Town, South Africa