I participate in the http://change-diapers.com blog hop and this month’s topic is your “unicorn diaper.”
They asked, “Is there a particular diaper, color or print you are dying to have? Maybe it’s hard to find, or not in your budget; is there one diaper you would just love to add to your stash?”
So I decided to go do some “wishlist” cloth diaper shopping. Based solely on cuteness of the diaper and how much I would love to take a picture of my son in it.
Here are my favs in no particular order because they are all so freakin cute!!!
These first two are from Etsy shop Zookaboo.
Cloth diaper cover and matching embellished tee – bright stache
Cloth diaper cover and matching embellished tee – patriotic pops
These next two are from Etsy shop TheEliMonster.
Punk Rock All In Two (AI2) Cloth Diaper
Cloth Diaper Cover Superhero
Both of these shops had so many cute diapers to choose from and both had good feedback ratings so I will trust to order from them….hopefully very soon!!
Think about your “unicorn diaper” and go do some “wishlist” shopping…it’s therapeutic!!
I was not asked to write, nor was I compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own.